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The Burton Fellowship
This is a site dedicated to all folk with the Burton name. We are probably the most intelligent and funny people to grace the planet and should be recognised by all the people who make each day worth waking up. etc etc

Conker Boy
Born the son of a carpenter, Conker boy lived the first 7 years of his life in the remote Swedish village of Hudiksvall. Conker boy soon developed an interest in the conker, and would often be seen polishing them for his father who would use them as ornament decorations in his work. With his dedication to conkers apparent, the boy soon obtained a vast degree of knowledge on the subject, which led him to the sport that has made him such as national hero in his country. In his first competitive tournament, conker boy lost just one set when his string got tangled, giving the young prodigy a huge disadvantage. He was able, however, to recover and in doing so won his first tournament at the tender age of 9. Conker boy began to be noticed by his villages as an outstanding athlete in the field of conkers, and indeed it wasn’t long before he was spotted by Swedish international scouts. At the age of 12, Conker boy had his first international match against a 22-year-old player from Qatar, Richard Hadal. Conker Boy won and was greeted like a god by the Swedish people until, that was, he tested positive for the performance enhancing drug nandrolone. It caused public outcry and Conker boy was banned from the sport. Worse was to follow for the unfortunate child as he was jeered in the streets and spat at from people in buildings above. The pressure became too much for the boy and his father arranged for Conker Boy to move to England. At the age of 15, Thurston became the Swedish born, disgraced champions home. To this day the youngster pleads his innocence, and was even given a lie detector test in Oxford, where, interestingly he was cleared of the offence. Swedish authorities refused to accept the test on the grounds of unreliability, would a boy of such undeniable talent really feel It necessary to use such a drug? Well now conker boy will take on the best in Thurston in an attempt to prove himself, and once again become a people’s champion. Then, and only then, will the world be able to decide if CONKER BOY’S conscience is clean.

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If your name has Burton in it then make sure you make your own site and get it put on www.burtons.com only like this will we get the recognition we deserve!

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